If your payment was unsuccessful, your bank may have placed a temporary hold on your account for the failed transaction. These holds often appear as pending transactions and may trigger payment alerts if you have those enabled, but will drop off automatically within a few days.
Your payment may have failed for a number of reasons, and trying repeatedly is unlikely to succeed. Instead, try these troubleshooting steps:
Check that all your card information is correct, including your name, card number, CVC, and expiration date.
Double-check that your billing information matches what your bank has on file. Even small discrepancies in billing information can cause your payment to fail.
Make sure you have sufficient funds and haven’t reached any spending limit your card may have.
Contact your bank and ask them to whitelist Midjourney transactions for you.
You may also try to make your payment with a different card, if you have one available.
If you’ve tried all of the above and are still unable to pay for your subscription, contact [email protected]. The billing team may be able to provide further information and assistance.
Please note that, due to international regulations and policies, we are unable to accept subscription payments from users located in Russia at this time.
Welcome to niji・journey, a state-of-the-art AI that draws custom anime illustrations, just for you! A magical collaboration, designed together between brilliant minds at Spellbrush & Midjourney. Whether you’re looking for a cute chibi character or a dynamic action scene, niji・journey can bring your vision to life. We can’t wait to see what you create!
If you’re an AI researcher and you love anime, please shoot us an email over at [email protected].
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For commercial inquiries and studio licensing, please contact [email protected].