If you believe your card information has been used fraudulently to pay for a niji・journey or Midjourney subscription, we can help! Please send an email to [email protected] with the details of the transaction, including:
The exact amounts charged and total number of transactions
Date and, if possible, time of the transaction, including your local time zone
The type of card (VISA, MasterCard, etc., credit or debit card)
Your card’s country of origin
Name of the bank that issued your card
The last 4 digits of your card number
Expiration date
Once you’ve sent us this information, we’ll do everything we can to investigate these charges and refund them for you.
Welcome to niji・journey, a state-of-the-art AI that draws custom anime illustrations, just for you! A magical collaboration, designed together between brilliant minds at Spellbrush & Midjourney. Whether you’re looking for a cute chibi character or a dynamic action scene, niji・journey can bring your vision to life. We can’t wait to see what you create!
If you’re an AI researcher and you love anime, please shoot us an email over at [email protected].
Otherwise, if you're talented and on the job market, you can find other open positions on our careers page.
For commercial inquiries and studio licensing, please contact [email protected].