2024. 3. 25.
Now, these features are coming to mobile, better than ever!
Historically, manipulating images on discord has been hard: It’s difficult to move pictures when they are represented as hyperlinks. For this update, we didn’t simply port the image features over, we implemented a brand-new image management system on the niji mobile app.
In addition to building out cref and sref, we’ve also updated the interface for image prompting. Often, the best way to tell niji what to draw is to show niji what to draw.
In this sample, we constructed an output image that specifies 3 different kinds of image references.
We hope that our new mobile images interface delights you!
Using Images in Your Generations
You’ll find the controls for the Image Interface(cref, sref, image prompts) at the bottom of the prompt box. Select the picture icon at the bottom left corner of the screen to get started!
Tap the “Character Ref” button to upload a picture from your phone to use as a character reference!
You can also select any image from the app, and press-hold + drag it into the cref menu to use it as a reference!
Combining cref, sref, and image prompts
cref, sref, and image prompting can be used together:
cref, sref, and image prompts can be used with an entire folder of images!
Saving an image to a new Folder
To save an image to a new Folder, long tap on the image and drag the image to the Plus Folder icon at the bottom left of the Folders UI. You can do this with images from the Imagine tab, the Feed tab, or from your own Gallery.
Saving an image to an existing folder
You can also save images to pre-existing folders. Just drag the pictures into a stack, like so:
Deleting an image from a folder
To delete images from an existing Folder, long tap the image and drag it to the red Trash Can icon at the top. You can also delete the entire folder like this!
Long tap on the saved Folders in the Folders UI, then drag and drop them into the reference category of your choice (Image Prompt, Style Ref, Character Ref).
You can drag the folders back and forth between categories
A “weight” controls how strong the influence of the image reference is.
For each of the individual reference category, a Weight Selection UI appears when you add images to the category. Slide these to turn the influence of the category up and down.
Additionally, for the ‘Image Prompt’ and ‘Style Ref’ category, you can long tap on each of the individual images, and customize the weight value of each image.
Have I surprised you with the marvels of sref, cref, and image prompting? It’s wonderfully flexible, isn’t it?
Believe it or not, all these features have always been supported, it has just always been too difficult to input using words.
Here at niji, we’re always pushing the frontiers of what’s possible in interface design. Personally, I feel images are a much more natural way to prompt than text: after all, a picture is worth a thousand words.
The next project on our horizon is the full release of niji 6. I’m looking forward to it! As always, thank you for your support in this journey.
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