要使用Niji 6生成,请使用后缀--niji 6或转到Niji机器人的/settings,并打开Niji版本6版!
I’m very excited to announce Niji V6 alpha edition! To generate with niji 6, use the suffix --niji 6 or go to /settings in the niji bot, and turn on Niji version 6 edition!
无与伦比的提示理解能力 Unparalleled Prompt Comprehension
对于niji v6,我们有一个目标:我们挑战自己,尽可能多地将主题引入到动漫风格中。这可不是一件小事:这个世界中的大多数概念在动漫中并不存在。 For niji v6, we had a single-minded purpose: we challenged ourselves to bring as much subject matter as we possibly can into the anime style. It’s no small feat: most of the concepts in this world do not exist in anime.
我们建议您写更长的提示,以充分发挥Niji V6的功能。 We suggest that you write longer prompts to get the most out of Niji V6.
过去,我并不喜欢长提示。事实上,更长的提示通常会降低大多数模型的性能。然而,当您发现提示不起作用时,人类的自然倾向是解释更多,从而导致更长的提示。 Historically, I am not a fan of long prompts. longer prompts actually decrease the performance of most models. However, when you don’t see a prompt working out, it’s a natural human inclination to explain more, resulting in longer prompts.
因此,我们构建Niji 6时考虑到了这种行为:它会关注细节。 So we built Niji 6 with that behavior in mind: it listens to details.
当您尝试绘制Niji 6还不了解如何绘制的东西时,您可以解释您想要的内容。 When you try to draw something that Niji 6 doesn’t already know how to draw, you can explain what you want.
例如,niji 6不理解“傘お化け”(日本雨伞妖怪)的概念。以下是当您输入“傘お化け”时返回的内容。 For example, niji 6 does not understand the concept of “kasa obake” (japanese umbrella monster). Here’s what you get back when you write “kasa obake.”
kasa obake
但您可以解释“傘お化け”是什么,然后Niji将进行绘制。以下是“傘お化け”的解释:一个只有一个眼睛和一个长舌头的嘴巴的妖怪雨伞,只有一条腿站立。 But you can explain what a kasa obake is, and niji will draw it. Here is “kasa obake, a monster umbrella with one eye and one mouth with a long tongue standing on one leg”
kasa obake, a monster umbrella with one eye and one mouth with a long tongue standing on one leg 傘お化け,一个只有一个眼睛和一个嘴巴,有一条长舌头,只有一条腿站立的怪物伞。
令人兴奋,不是吗? Exciting isn’t it?
Niji现在支持简单的文字写作!您可以通过将文字放在引号之间,像这样,将文字添加到您的图片中。 Niji now supports simple text writing! You can put writing into your picture by putting the text between quotations, like so:
konosuba aqua holding a sign that says "cixelyn" while jumping in the air konosuba 的aqua 在空中跳跃,手持一块写着 'cixelyn' 的牌子。
Be sure to enclose your text in the double quotes! 记得用双引号将您的文字括起来!
如果您更喜欢非动漫风格,请使用--style raw If you prefer non-anime, use --style raw
我们注意到我们吸引了许多非动漫风格的Niji粉丝。如果您喜欢我们的新提示,并且希望减少动漫风格,我建议您使用RAW模式。您可以通过使用--style raw参数或在设置中按下RAW模式按钮来启用RAW模式。 We noticed that we’ve picked up a lot of non-anime niji fans. If you like our new prompt following, with less anime styling, I suggest the RAW mode. You can turn on RAW mode by using --style raw or by pressing the RAW mode button in the settings.
您可以在这里看到区别:更逼真的图像是使用RAW样式绘制的。 You can see the difference here: the more realistic image is drawn with style RAW
man holding a stick, standing in front of a castle, wearing a fencer's outfit 一个穿着击剑服的男人站在城堡前,手持一根棍子。
man holding a stick, standing in front of a castle, wearing a fencer's outfit --style raw 一个穿着击剑服的男人站在城堡前,手持一根棍子。--style raw
期待完整发布吧! Look forward to the full release
我们计划在二月底发布Niji V6的启动活动。 We’re going to release the Niji V6 launch event towards the end of February.
变换(区域)、平移和缩放功能目前计划在完整发布中推出。 The vary(Region), pan, and zoom features are currently scheduled for the full release.
如果您喜欢我们在V5发布时的富有表现力、可爱和风景优美的作品,您一定会喜欢我们的V6发布活动。 If you enjoyed the expressive, cute, scenic lineup we had at the launch of V5, you’ll love our V6 launch event.
期待着大约一个月后的发布! Look forward to it in about a month!
现在,让我们不再拖延,来演示如何向Niji解释! Now, without further ado, let’s demonstrate how to explain to Niji!
现在介绍……#prompt-craft 的居民 Presenting… the denizens of #prompt-craft
#prompt-craft 是一个了不起的地方。专业用户帮助其他人整理他们的提示。如果您从未进入过这个频道,请去看一看!这是您找到最难制作的主题的地方。 #prompt-craft is an amazing place. Expert users help out others triage their prompts. If you’ve never been in this channel, go take a look! It’s where you’ll find the most difficult-to-make subjects.
就个人而言,我很长时间以来一直想要异色瞳。现在,您可以指定每只眼睛的位置。 Personally, I’ve wanted heterochromia for a long time. Now, you can specify which position each eye is in.
a girl with one yellow left eye and one blue right eye, with dark skin 一个皮肤黝黑的女孩,左眼为黄色,右眼为蓝色。
现在,有些提示是立即生效,无需调整即可完成。 Some prompts simply work now, out of the box.
A girl with blue skin 一个皮肤是蓝色的女孩。
这确实仍然是具有挑战性的,一旦我们为Niji V6添加Vary(Region)支持,将会变得更容易。 This was definitely still challenging to get: It will become much easier once we add Vary(Region) support for Niji V6.
a boy with multiple arms 一个有多只手臂的男孩。
a bald boy with headphones 一个戴着耳机的秃头男孩。
在Niji V6中,指定这样的小细节将会很好地运作,即使与图片的其他具体细节结合在一起也是如此。 Specifying small details like this will work well in niji v6, even when combined with more specifics about the rest of the picture.
man with short white hair, yellow eyes, wearing a veil, praying, white suit 一个戴着面纱,穿着白色西装的男人,有短白发,黄色眼睛,正在祈祷。
“两个人站在一起”一直是非常困难的,就像参加红色方块/蓝色方块相似性挑战的人所发现的那样。现在要容易得多了! “Two characters standing next to each other” has always been very hard, as those of you who played the red cube/blue cube Similarity challenge have found. It’s significantly easier now!
there are two people standing next to each other: a man with pink hair and green eyes on the left, a girl with blue hair and pink eyes on the right 有两个人站在一起:左边是一位粉色头发、绿色眼睛的男子,右边是一位蓝色头发、粉色眼睛的女孩。
这个提示仍然很具有挑战性,但一旦提示制作出来,效果就相当不错:它展示了向Niji V6解释主题的效果。 This one was still quite challenging to get, but once the prompt is made, it was quite good: it demonstrates the effects of explaining the subject to niji v6.
black void, girl with black skin and empty white eyes, she's made out of sparkly void stuff 一个黑暗虚空,一个黑皮肤,空洞的白色眼睛的女孩,她是由闪闪发光的虚空物质构成的。
(这条信息是在#niji-mobile中发布的,而不是#prompt-craft,但这位用户显然正在遭受困扰。) (This was posted in #niji-mobile, instead of #prompt-craft, but this user was clearly suffering)
a happy, girl, blue haired harpy with a half shaven mohawk and pointed ears 一个快乐的、蓝发的、半剃着摩霍克式发型的、尖耳朵的女孩哈比
So as you can see, niji v6 is quite responsive to your wishes: you simply have to know what to ask for. 就像你所看到的,Niji V6对您的愿望非常灵敏:您只需要知道要请求什么。
这对我们niji项目来说是一个不同的方向:我们通常专注于绘制最漂亮的waifu和最帅气的husbando:在niji 5中,我们非常努力地提供最美的动漫风格。 This is a different direction for us in the niji project: we’re usually focused on drawing the prettiest waifu that can waifu and the most handsome husbando that can husbando: In niji 5, we worked very hard on providing the most beautiful stylization in anime.
在这个版本中,我们不再专注于最令人愉悦的面部形状或最严格的绘画技巧,而是专注于简单地将尽可能多的主题带入动漫风格中。 In this version, instead of focusing on the most pleasing face shape or the most rigorous drawing techniques, we focused on simply bringing as many subjects as possible into the style of anime.
事实证明,这是无比困难的。大多数东西在动漫中都不存在。能够绘制您从未见过的东西……这就是创造力。 It turns out, this is infinitely harder. Most things don’t exist in anime. The ability to draw what you’ve never seen is… creativity.
there is a centaur, a half-man half-horse creature. He is a software engineer, holding a laptop 有一个半人半马的半人马,他是一名软件工程师,手持着一台笔记本电脑。
因此,我们希望改进的提示跟随能够帮助您更好地扩展自己的创造力! And so, we hope the improved prompt-following will serve you well in extending your own creativity!
因此,如果您习惯使用niji 5,您将发现要获得niji 6最佳结果,是当您改变提示策略时:使用更长、更具体的提示,niji 6将会奖励您! So if you are used to using niji 5, you’ll find the best results with niji 6 when you change up your prompting strategy: niji 6 will reward you for longer, more specific prompts!
hatsune miku eating a burger 初音未来吃汉堡
hatsune miku sitting on a big cake that has "Niji 6" written on it 初音未来坐在一个有"Niji 6"写在上面的大蛋糕上
作为提醒,Niji V6的完整版本计划在大约一个月内发布,同时还将推出启动活动。 As a reminder, the full version of Niji V6 is slated for release in approximately one month, along with the launch event.
一如既往,感谢您在这个旅程中的支持。 As always, thank you for your support on this journey.
欢迎来到 niji・journey。这是一款最先进的 AI 生成器,可以绘制任何二次元风格的图像!本魔法般的工具是由 Spellbrush 与 Midjourney 所共同设计开发的。无论您是在寻找可爱的 Q 版角色还是充满动感的动漫场景,niji・journey 都能将您的想象变为现实。我们迫不及待地想看看您创造了什么!
如果您是一名 AI 研究人员并且喜欢二次元,欢迎将履历寄至 [email protected]。
如需商业咨询和工作室授权等,请联系 [email protected]。